What began as a small kehillah in the Baruch family basement two decades ago, has grown over the years into a vibrant community. Kehilas Beis Baruch offers daily minyanim, grand Shabbos kiddush, women's shiurim, fun-filled children programs, inspiring weekends with the legendary Cantor Helfgot, Yomim Noarim with the Shira Choir, and a thought-provoking weekly chaburah with R' Dovid Lichtenstein.
The newly built Shul in Wesley Hills, NY is a stunning replica of the historic Baal Shem Tov’s synagogue in Medzhybizh, Ukraine. The Baal Shem Tov, founder of the Chassidic movement, breathed joy, hope, inspiration and spirituality into the lives of the Jews of Eastern Europe, then and now.
We're thrilled to announce the opening of a brand new, state-of-the-art playground right next to our Shul! Packed with top of the line play equipment, including a huge Dynamo net climber, a massive play structure, a climber spinner, trampoline, it's a kid's dream come true – the perfect place to swing, climb, play, and create lasting memories!
One of the most unique Shul structures in America today, the building includes 22 bricks that were retrieved from the rubble of synagogues destroyed during the Holocaust, as well as fragments from the remains of the Mila 18 bunker in the Warsaw Ghetto. A special brick-laying ceremony was held with a group of Holocaust survivors where they stand as an everlasting memorial to our past, and serve as a reminder of our sacred duty to the next generation.
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Tisha B'Av, the day that the liquidation of the Warsaw Ghetto began.
Recently featured in the Rockland Daily News, Mishpacha Magazine, and on Chabad.org.